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This year, one of the main clinical bases of the Department of Ophthalmology of the Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine Ophthalmological Medical Center OCHI CLINIC celebrates its anniversary.

"Can coronavirus infection affect and contribute, like a Trojan horse, to the development of other diseases soon?"‒ this issue is now acute for clinicians of many specialties. And, although COVID-19 is mainly characterized by symptoms from the respiratory tract, complications from other organs and systems often accompany COVID-19 infection, increasing the morbidity and mortality of such patients.

The reformation and development of healthcare are impossible without the development and modernization of medical education, which must meet European standards and be competitive in the global market for providing medical services.

With great pride and respect, the Department of Ophthalmology of the Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine is announcing the receipt of the 2021 Scientist Award by the Head of the Department, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Professor Sergiy Rykov

On November 26-27, 2021, the 7th annual meeting of experts of the European Scientific Club of Ocular Surface & Glaucoma (ECOS-G) took place in Amsterdam (Netherlands). 34 expert delegates from 18 countries attended ECOS-G.

American diabetes association (ADA) has just published the new book which included the interesting and atypical clinical cases of diabetes mellitus and its comorbidity with other clinical syndromes and diseases. Each chapter is the one clinical case with the commentary of the editor.