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The training of foreign nationals at Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine is carried out since 1993.
Since the time when the University hospitably opened the doors for international students, abo­ut 4 thousands representatives of 50 countries of the world have graduated from Shupyk NHU of Ukraine.

Today, more than 300 resident physicians and postgraduate students, acquire knowledge at Shupyk NHU of Ukraine. These are citizens of Great Britain, Sweden, USA, China, India, Bangladesh, Nigeria and others.

Training of foreign nationals is provided in Ukrainian. Since 2016, Shupyk NHU of Ukraine has started English-language form of education, which caused great interest of representatives of the countries of western and eastern regions.

Modes of study for international students at Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine: 1) practical training, 2) cli­nical residency, 3) postgraduate training course, 4) doctoral program.

The system of improvement of English language proficiency with such partners as Pearson and First Kyiv State Courses of Foreign Languages is organized at the Department of Foreign Languages. There was created Speaking Club, which is becoming more and more popular.