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Shupyk NHU of Ukraine is one of the most important scientific and medical centers of Ukraine. The University has a great scientific potential: out of approximately 800 research and educational staff members there are 245 MD, Drs. Sc. and 455 MD, PhDs, among them 175 full professors and more than 280 associate professors.

Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine has 25 scientific schools; four new schools are being formed. The Young Scientists Board functions at the University.

The themes of the research work of the University include fundamental, applied and pilot studies in the most important fields of medical and pharmaceutical science. These are current issues of pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, socially significant diseases; hygiene problems of the environment, preservation of health and prevention of infectious diseases; medical problems of the Chernobyl disaster consequences; the issue of pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of dental diseases.