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On May 28, 2021, the scientific-practical conference "Interdisciplinary issues: modern diagnostics and treatment" was held in Kyiv (Hall of Champions at the Olympic NSC).

This scientific forum had several features: first, it was interdisciplinary, because according to the topics of the reports, forum united and interested doctors of different specialties — surgeons, endocrinologists, general practitioners, neurologists and endocrinologists; secondly, the conference was held in a mixed format (presence of 150 delegates in compliance with quarantine and anti-epidemic requirements with simultaneous online broadcast, which was observed by more than 1,200 specialists). 

Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine was represented at this conference by the Head of the Department of Surgery and Vascular Surgery — Professor S. Savoliuk, who presented a report — "Modern opportunities for prevention and treatment of vascular complications in outpatient surgery". In this presentation he reported the generalized clinical experience of Department of Surgery and Vascular Surgery on modern principles and approaches to comprehensive treatment of varicose veins and treatment of complications (chronic venous insufficiency, trophic ulcers), including patients with combined complications such as diabetes mellitus, occlusive pathology of the main and peripheral arteries of the lower extremities, chronic heart failure, focusing the attention of the professional audience on the priority use of minimally invasive endovenous surgery, systems of negative pressure, early wound debridement in combination with cellular reparative technologies, which accelerates the recovery and postoperative rehabilitation of this extremely complex contingent of patients on the background of compliance with cosmetic results and high performance quality of life after surgery.

The report, multimedia support and presented clinical cases provoked a lively discussion among the audience and other speakers, which will undoubtedly have a positive effect on the formation of proper logistics of patient flows to the clinic of Department of Surgery and Vascular Surgery, and claiming that Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine is one of the leaders in medical innovations at the market of domestic medical services.