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The staff members of Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education wish the Rector Yuriy Voronenko a happy birthday and congratulate with a new term in this position.

On April 25-27, 2017 in the Exhibition center KyivExpoPlaza will be held the main event of healthcare industry in Ukraine - VIII International Medical Forum Medicine Innovations – the Nation’s Health. It is an international professional platform for exchange of experience and training that combines powerful scientific-practical program, and the largest in Ukraine specialized exhibitions of the latest achievements in medicine, dentistry and pharmaceutics.

The elections of the rector were held in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”, Methodological recommendations on the peculiarities of the election system and method of electing the head of higher educational establishment, approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No.726 from 05.12.2014, and local regulations of NMAPE.

According to the requirements of ISO and EFQM, the Academy has developed and implemented an innovative system of the Academic Board activity which can significantly increase the effectiveness of decisions making through careful preparation of agenda issues in specialized committees.

From November, 30 toDecember,therehadbeen aplannedcomplianceaudit of DQS company concerning conformance of the Academy management system to the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 international standard.

On November 24-26, the annual XVI international research and practice conference “Clinical and Technological Challenges in Staging and Reconstructive Surgery. Gunshot and Home Injuries, Electric Welding of Live Tissues, Diabetic Foot” was held.