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In accordance with the cooperation agreement - №3 of 12.03.2021, between the NHS named after P.L. Shupyk and the Department of Health of the Cherkasy Regional State Administration, teachers of the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology №1 at the Cherkasy Medical Academy, conducted a workshop on thematic improvement entitled "Osteochondrosis of the spine”

In accordance with Order №416-B of the Department of Health of the Cherkasy Regional State Administration, a workshop on Vertebrogenic Arthropathies took place from December 1 to 15, 2021. In this workshop, a total of 14 orthopedic traumatologists, neurologists and neurosurgeons were trained. Participants were drawn from hospitals, counseling and diagnostic centers of the Cherkasy region.

Lectures, seminars and practical classes were held both remotely and in the conventional mode - where students had the possibility of direct communication with lecturers.  The Clinical units of Cherkasy hospitals were used for practical classes. Participants had the opportunity to visit the operating room and assisted in surgical interventions of thematic patients. While some participants had the opportunity to participate directly in a clinical diagnostic process, others were acquainted remotely with the methods of clinical examination, instrumental diagnosis, drug and surgical treatment of patients with vertebrogenic arthropathy. Of particular interest to participants were the challenges of vertebrogenic arthropathies associated with “positional tunnel syndromes” of the vascular-nervous complexes of the main arteries. Such positional syndromes contributes to the formation of pathological motor stereotype, resulting in chronic overload of the joints in normal everyday activities. This is pathogenesis of positional vertebrogenic arthropathy from spinal artery compression syndrome.

In the operating room, participants studied the peculiarities of the surgical positioning of patients with positional-dynamic compression, induction and maintenance of anesthesia. In the course of assisting, participants had the opportunity to observe directly - the verified structural changes associated with the compression of the vertebral artery.Students were sincerely satisfied with the practical classes conducted directly (not remotely) with thematic patients because, the time spent was useful and new information and skills were inculcated.  The venue of the Lectures and seminars was a magnificent estate built by Polish magnates and restored at the expense of the Cherkasy Regional State Administration. The auditorium and classrooms are equipped with modern technical facilities required for conducting classes on the cycle in the classroom-distance mode. The departmental staffs express special gratitude to the head of the Center for Advanced Training of doctors - Drobotenko Volodymyr Anatoliyovych (Ph.D).

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