March 31, 2022 two week course of the mechanical lung ventilation ended at the Department of Pediatric Anesthesiology and Intensive Care. The course took place in a remote format. The topic of the cycle is devoted to respiratory support and treatment of severe respiratory disorders in critical conditions.

March 31, 2022 two week course of the mechanical lung ventilation ended at the Department of Pediatric Anesthesiology and Intensive Care. The course took place in a remote format. The topic of the cycle is devoted to respiratory support and treatment of severe respiratory disorders in critical conditions. But taking into account the military situation in the country, the program of the cycle was adjusted to include topics on traumatic chest injuries in children and tactics of management of injured patients in the acute period and prevention of postoperative complications.

During the cycle, the issues of clinical physiology of mechanical lung ventilation, ventilation modes, monitoring the effectiveness of mechanical ventilation and monitoring the patient's condition during mechanical ventilation were considered. The methodology of mode selection and setting of mechanical ventilation parameters depending on the age, pathology and condition of the patient was discussed, as well as features of respiratory support in certain conditions, when mechanical ventilation has a significant impact on the disease outcome.

Most of the material was presented on the examples of real clinical cases, which emphasizes the practical orientation of the course. According to the listeners, it was the clinical analysis that made it possible to link the acquired theoretical knowledge with their daily practice in the intensive care unit.

At the end of the cycle, doctors expressed satisfaction with the topics covered during the course, noted their practical orientation for use in their practice.