On December 15, 2021, there was a meeting of the Department of Family Medicine and Outpatient Care of the Institute of Family Medicine of Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine, held in compliance with quarantine requirements due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The agenda of the meeting was approving the topic of the PhD thesis submitted by Larysa Zenkina, who is the first year postgraduate student of an external study mode. She presented the scientific substantiation of the aim, tasks, study design and expected results of the dissertation entitled "Optimization Of Anesthesia In Hip And Knee Arthroplasty In Patients With Diabetes" under the guidance of MD, Dr. Sc., Full Professor Oleksandr Halushko.

The speech of the postgraduate student showed that the dissertation is focused on a challenging issue that is at the intersection of several specialties, such as anesthesiology and intensive care, endocrinology, cardiology, etc. The postgraduate student conducted a thorough patent search, selected criteria for recruiting patients and identified methods of clinical, instrumental and statistical research. During the discussion, the meeting participants noted the relevance of the topic, the current level of planned research, which will help fully perform the tasks set in the dissertation.

Based on the results of the scientific discussion, there was made a decision to approve the topic of the dissertation presented by L. Zenkina and submit the research materials to the Academic Council of the Institute of Family Medicine of Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine.

Employees of the Department of Family Medicine and Outpatient Care with postgraduate student L. Zenkina

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