The Department of Oncology conducts planned cycles of specialization for trainees in the following specialties: clinical oncology, oncosurgery, oncogynecology and endoscopy, carries out a large volume of work in the training of specialists according to an individual plan.

Now two-week cycles of thematic improvement are held at the clinical bases of the department, each of which satisfies the annual point requirement (50 points): "Precancerous and tumorous diseases of the esophagus (oncological and surgical aspects)"; "Modern possibilities of diagnosis, comprehensive treatment of malignant diseases of the organs of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space"; "Endoscopic diagnosis of malignant tumors of internal organs"; "Gynecological cancer and pregnancy: diagnosis and treatment algorithm"; "Tumors of the rectum and colon"; "Medical treatment of malignant neoplasms and accompanying therapy"; "Modern approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of malignant tumors of the chest cavity"; "Modern issues of endocrine surgery"; "Modern issues of thyroid pathology in oncology"; "Modern principles of diagnosis and treatment of breast tumors".

In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 1347 of July 25, 2023 "On Amendments to the List of Cycles of Specialization and Thematic Improvement in Medicinal and Pharmaceutical (Professional) Specialties", the Department of Oncology is filling cycles based on the new "List":

* - training in these cycles takes place only according to an individual plan

In its educational and methodological work, the Department of Oncology uses such learning technologies as: lectures (video lectures, micro-lectures); seminar classes (master classes, colloquiums); practical training; independent work; distance and online learning technologies; clinical examinations, work in small groups; intermediate and final evaluation of knowledge and skills using simulation educational technologies, test tasks, clinical tasks, performance of independent work.

Evaluation of the results of secondary specialization is carried out in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated 22.06.21 No. 1254 "On approval of the Regulation on internship and secondary medical specialization" (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Health of March 16, 2022 No. 493), Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated 18.08.2021 No. 1751 "On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated 22.07.1993 No. 166", registered in the Ministry of Justice on 09.11.2021 under No. 1467/37089 and consist of basic, current, and final evaluation (attestation).