Professor Grygoriy Bykhovskyi


Founder of the Department of Oncology, on his initiative in 1932 an oncology dispensary was organized, and in 1934 - an oncology clinic, which gave rise to the renaming of the institute to the Kyiv Research X-ray Radiology and Oncology Institute. Basic research is devoted to early diagnosis and treatment of malignant neoplasms.

Professor Isaac Slonim

(1936 - 1941; 1945 - 1952)

Author of the first monograph in the USSR on the problems of mastopathy (Mastopathy. Kyiv, 1955), which presents the mechanisms of development, disruption of sex hormones, the role of the pituitary gland, ovaries and corpus luteum in the pathogenesis of the disease. The monograph "The Technique of Radical Surgery for Cancer" has long been a table book for oncology surgeons. His input to The Department development consisted of expanding the range of surgical interventions, introduction of gastrectomies and operations on the rectum.

Professor Ivan Shevchenko

(1952 - 1959; 1971 to 1975)

At the same time holding the position of the Head of the Department and the Head of the Kyiv X-ray-radiological and Oncological Research Institute of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, he developed the basic research: problems of prevention, diagnosis and pathogenetic treatment of malignant tumors, have studied the interaction of tumors and human organism. Also a new direction in oncogenetics were introduced by him. He was the author of development of antiblastic method, consisting of irradiation of the operating field after removal of a locally-spread tumors. From 1956 he have headed the Ukrainian Scientific Society of Oncologists.

Professor Ivan Dedkov

(1959–1971; 1976–1984)

He developed and implemented combined and complex methods of surgical treatment of malignant tumors and their recurrences. He presented solid evidence of comprehensive treatment of malignant diseases using radiation therapy and low temperatures. On the basis of the Department he introduced a wide range of surgical interventions for the treatment of cancer of the lungs, esophagus, cardia, stomach, intestines. For the first time among domestic surgeons (1974) he performed the pelvic evisceration for a locally advanced rectal cancer.

Professor Dmitriy Myasoyedov

(1984 - 2008)

Continuing the scientific topics of the Department, he developed the fundamental substantiation of radical cryosurgical resection for pulmonary, gastric, rectal, large-bowel and hepatic malignancies of the liver, colon. For the first time he performed restorative colonoplasty according to Valdoni's method, and in 2000 he performed first Ukrainian prophylactic mastectomy, introduced reconstructive and restorative mammological procedures to restore the breast mass using a thoraco-dorsal flap on the vascular pedicle, as well as the first domestic non-shell mammary gland endoprosthesis.

Professor Stanislav Myasoyedov

(2008 - 2020)

Scientific research in studying of cancer of the esophagus and stomach were done by him. Fundamental developments in the diagnosis and treatment of esophageal stricture, Barrett's esophagus, radical esophagectomy with abdomino-cervical access, reconstructive surgery of the esophagogastric junction, optical esophageal biopsy and dynamic esophago-gastroscintigraphy were achieved.

Professor Prokip Gordiychuk

(Head of the Department since June 2020, Professor of the Department since 2006)

His priority areas of investigation are the studying of problem of locally advanced cancer of stomach and rectum. By him a widespread use of organ-sparing operations in the complex treatment of distal colorectal cancer was implemented, and in 2005 he introduced the proctectomy procedure on a clinical base. He is the author of the operative inventions for formation and prevention of failure of colo-rectal anastomosis, and the alloplasty method while performing reconstructive or reconstructive-restorative operations.

Nowadays, the teaching bases of the department are the multidisciplinary department: the Clinic of the Department of Oncology of the Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine  in the departments of abdominal and thoracic surgery, oncology and chemotherapy departments of the Kyiv City Clinical Oncology Center, the National Cancer Institute, the National Cancer Institute. Kyiv Regional Clinical Hospital" and KNP "Kyiv City Clinical Endocrinology Center". These training centers use a modern multidisciplinary approach to patient management, minimally invasive organ-sparing treatment methods, and a wide range of modern oncosurgical operations (combined, reconstructive and restorative). Conditions have been created for advanced training and mastering the profession of clinical oncologists, surgeons, oncogynecologists and endoscopists.