The staff members do research on the topic of "Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment and Rehabilitation of Reproductive Function Disturbances in Women and Girls By Means of Innovatory Techniques".

The department’s main priorities are to develop and implement the organ-preserving methods when performing obstetric and gynaecologic operations.

The staff members have developed and improved the comprehensive approach to the problem of postnatal bleeding and massive haemorrhage in delivery. The components of the approach are:

a) Using prognostic and preventive measurements;

б) Applying the methods of organ-preserving surgical haemostasis (uterine and ovarian vessels ligation, internal iliac arteries ligation, using uterine compression sutures).

The staff members are actively involved in developing manuals. In particular, the manual for physicians “Hemorrhage in Obstetrics and-Gynecology Practice” was published in 2013.