The department cooperates with the European Community on the programme of the creation of a unified system of medical education in Europe and on the issue of the use of new information technologies in the practical medicine.

For the last 5 years among the major international projects involving members of the Department of Medical Informatics there have been the following: the Swiss- Ukrainian Programme "Improving Perinatal Services in Ukraine"; EU project "Support of the Development of the Systems of Medical Standards in Ukraine"; project "Together for Health" (USAID and Harvard School of Public Health, USA); EU project "Support of the Reform of the Secondary Health Care System in Ukraine"; "Doctors Network" (project of the World Federation of Ukrainian Medical Associations, USA) –  e-meetings during the year in various fields of medicine.

The department has organized more than 40 public seminars on distant learning with the assistance of experts and professors from the USA, Poland, Slovakia and others. The staff members of the department participate in the international exhibitions, symposiums, seminars and conferences, which present the development of electronic medical records creation and the implementation of distant education into the educational process. They were awarded honorary diplomas, silver and gold medals.