On May 30, 2022, the annual scientific-practical conference "YOUNG SCIENCE 4.0" (for young scientists) took place online. Most of the PhD-students of the Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Medical Psychology of the Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine took part in this conference and presented the results of there research work.

PhD-students Aleftivna Lysyuk and Vladislav Kucherenko presented theses about "Analysis of personality traits of patients with apatodynamic variant of depressive disorder" and "Analysis of the relationship between somatoform symptom complex and depressive disorders."

Other PhD-students made reports: Bashinsky Alexander spoke about "Characteristic features of patients with psychotic disorders of the schizophrenic spectrum, who have manifestations of self-destructive behavior"; Olga Zagariychuk presented the topic "Assessment of the relationship between indicators and disorders of social functioning and personality structure in patients with delusional ideas of the influence of the schizophrenic spectrum of disorders"; Oksana Kobzar–about "Peculiarities of depersonalization-derealization disorder of poor people with neurotic and affective disorders". PhD-students of our department were awarded diplomas: Oksana Kobzar - first degree, Alexander Bashinsky - third degree.

Congratulations to young scientists, we wish you success in further scientific and research work!

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