On February 14, a scientific and practical conference dedicated to important issues of intensive care of septic conditions caused by COVID-19 in adult patients was held at Cherkasy city infectious diseases hospital. The audience was interested in the reports of Professor O. Loskutov "Endotheliitis: functional and clinical aspects of the problem", associate professor M. Bondar "Modern aspects of intensive care of sepsis" and associate professor Yu. Markov "Strategic directions for the survival of critical adult patients with coronavirus disease (COVID-19)".

The conference was attended by 39 doctors from different healthcare institutions of Cherkasy. The conference participants (anesthesiologists, infectious diseases specialists, internists, etc.) took part in the consideration of the most pressing issues of practical medicine through the prism of modern world guidelines with great enthusiasm, asked questions to speakers, participated in the discussion.

In the end, the administration of the healthcare institution where the conference was held, represented by medical director S. Volgina, thanked the teachers of the Department for live communication with clinicians, which made it possible to "refresh" the knowledge of doctors and bring them closer to the world standards of treatment of adult patients with infectious diseases. The conference participants expressed their wish to continue similar meetings in the same format with employees of Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine, in particular with teachers of the Department of Anesthesiology and intensive care.

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