On January 21, 2020, an examination and attestation of interns to determine the level of theoretical knowledge and practical skills was held by the state attestation commission chaired by the head of the department, MD. Ph.D., Professor Pilyagina G.Ya. on the basis of the Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Medical Psychology of Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine.

Interns showed a satisfactory level of awareness in the specialty "Psychiatry": they have a sufficient base of theoretical knowledge, the level of mastery of practical skills. Their qualification characteristics fully meet the requirements necessary for the practical activities of a psychiatrist. Interns have fully mastered modern methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and medical examination of psychiatric patients, skills of ambulance and emergency care. They proved their knowledge and skills by passing computer tests, developing practical skills, passing the "KROK-3" tests and the final state exam.

Members of the attestation commission - scientific and pedagogical staff of the department - defined the level of training of interns as positive. 30 interns received the title of psychiatrist, who fully completed the curriculum and internship program in the specialty "Psychiatry" during 2021-2022. The decision to assign interns the title of specialist doctor in the specialty "Psychiatry" was unanimous.

In the end all interns answered anonymous questionnaires. The analysis of the results of the questionnaire showed high marks of general satisfaction with the organization of the educational process and teaching at the Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Medical Psychology of Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine. At the cathedral meeting was conducted an analysis of questionnaires and decisions that improve the educational process in the cycle of internships in the specialty "Psychiatry".

Congratulations to our young colleagues and we wish them fruitful professional activity, enthusiasm for further self-development and good luck!

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