On June 24, 2021, a meeting of the Academic Council of the Surgical Faculty was held under the chairmanship of the Dean of the Faculty, Associate Professor Volodymyr Shuba. For the first time in a long time period, the meeting was held offline.

The first issue on the agenda was the report of the Head of the Department of Heart And Great Vessels Surgery, Academician of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine Professor Vasyl Lazoryshynets on his work as the Head of the Department for the period from 2016 to 2021. The report provoked a lively discussion and received positive reviews among the members of the Academic Council. In particular, considerable attention was paid to the participation of the department in the development of cardiac surgery in Ukraine and the participation the stuff in heart operations of different levels of complexity. Professors Vadym Hetman, Volodymyr Shkorbotun, Olga Bilyaeva, Oleg Loskutov, Heorhiy Kozynets, Rostyslav Vitovskyi and Dean of the Surgical Faculty Associate Professor Volodymyr Shuba took part in the discussion and recommended the report of Professor Vasyl Lazoryshynets for approval. The decision on this issue was recommended for approval by the Academic Council of Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine.


The next issue was the election to the vacant position of Assistant Professor of of the Department of Heart And Great Vessels Surgery. An application was received from PhD Andriy Yakushev. Members of the academic council of the faculty unanimously supported the candidate during the voting.


Also during the meeting the reports of 32 PhD students of the 2nd and 3rd years were considered. The plan and program of 5 short-term cycles of thematic improvement were considered and recommended for approval by the Academic Council of Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine. Moreover, the results of the work of the departments of the faculty on various types of activity in the first half of 2021 were summarized and further tasks for the second half of the year were planned.

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