Enrolling applicants in the "Studying for the Pearson Test of English General" course has been under way since September at the Department of Foreign Languages in partnership with Dinternal Education International Training Centre!

We plan to get off to a good start for Pearson General in early November, but conducted an online Placement Essential Test before. The initial enrollment for the upcoming course is in the offing approximately for the last part of October.

The online test will make it possible to assess the learners' linguistic competence on the Global Scale of English, as it includes various revision tests (reading comprehension, writing skills, listening comprehension). The course will last for 5 months and cover all of the modules.

The training is carried out by our experienced teachers PhD in Education, Assistant Professor Lorena Mykhaylenko and Assistant Professor Liudmyla Palei, who participated in a great number of international academic forums, in particular in “The 3rd Forum for ELT professionals “Reforming Higher Education in Ukraine”.

Pearson Test of English (PTE) General is designed to reward positive achievement in English language learning. The test is an assessment solution as it is intended for learners of English who are speakers of other languages (ESOL). PTE General integrates all four skills (listening, reading, speaking and writing) and focuses on assessing the ability of communicating in English, rather than test-taking skills. Particular attention is paid to studying the structure of presentations, means of influencing the audience, the characteristic linguistic properties of formal and informal meetings.

PTE General consists of two parts: a written paper and a spoken test. The written paper tests listening, reading comprehension and writing skills and is marked by external examiners in the UK. The spoken test is assessed by trained local examiners and is sent to the UK for moderation. There are six levels which are linked to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF). All levels in the test are awarded by Pearson Edexcel and accredited by Office of Qualifications and the Examinations Regulation (Ofqual) in the UK.

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