On May 28, 2019, at the Department of Surgery and Vascular Surgery of the Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education  began the cycle of thematic improvement - Basics of laparoscopic surgery.

Introductory lecture by the head of the Department of Surgery and Vascular Surgery Savoliuk S. (MD, Dr.Sc., Full Professor). and the curator of the cycle Lysenko V (MD, PhD, Associate professor). outlined the program and curriculum of the cycle, presenting the possibilities of modern laparoscopic surgery and department`s innovations in the treatment of certain types of planned and urgent abdominal pathology.

On the first day of the cycle, the students had the opportunity to take part in the master class, which has already become traditional. The equipped department`s auditorium allows to conduct practical classes and master classes in the mode of Live Surgery. On this day, to the students was demonstrated the implementation of the modified laparoscopic TAPP-hernioplasty, which was performed using seamless unbound fixation technique and biowelding technology, and TAMIS (technique used for the treatment of a large size of benign adenoma of the rectum).

The application of the combination of theoretical content and practical implementation of the programmatic issues of the thematic improvement cycle on the basis of modern interactive teaching methods allows the staff of the Department of Surgery and Vascular Surgery to fulfill the curriculum and actively disseminate the scientific and practical achievements of the department in practical health care.