On October 24, 2017, a meeting with foreign students was held at the Academy. The foreword was delivered by the Vice-Rector for International Relations and Scientific and Pedagogical Work with Foreign Students, Prof. Olesya Hulchiy, who informed the audience on the current state of Academy`s international activities and available opportunities for academic mobility, provided with the assistance of the international department.

On October 24, 2017, a meeting with foreign students was held at the Academy. The foreword was delivered by the Vice-Rector for International Relations and Scientific and Pedagogical Work with Foreign Students, Prof. Olesya Hulchiy, who informed the audience on the current state of Academy`s international activities and available opportunities for academic mobility, provided with the assistance of the international department.

The main body of the meeting was led by Acting Chief of the International Department, Associate Professor, Dr. Rami Abu Shamsieh. The agenda included, in particular, the clarification of the order of admittance, nostrification of a medical diploma, visa and council issues. Thus, the procedure of the nostrification was recently simplified and from now on can even be undergone online.


Head of the contract education sector, Tetiana Volkova, focused on specific questions concerning the organization of the educational process. Specifically, she drew the attention to the importance of documental procedures for newly admitted students of clinical ordinatura (residency).
More than 150 foreign postgraduate students and PhD students, representatives of  40 departments were present at the meeting. The students were eager to participate in the discussion, which continued even after the meeting was over.