On 03-May-2023 The Chair of Disaster Medicine and Military-Medicine of The Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine Medical faculty took part in the disaster medicine cross-departmental training in Kyiv city of  the response in case of  massive causalities.

Teamwork of all responders` teams, including dispatch centers of DSNS, medical services and police and other civil rights defense departments, response headquarters, algorithm of actions on the event field, during evacuation and at the emergency care hospital have been worked on.

The organizers of this training were: Department of Health; Kyiv Center of Emergency Medical Care and Disaster Medicine (KCEDC and DM), Kyiv City Clinical Hospital of Emergency Care (KCCHEC), Kyiv responders center of DSNS. Special attention was dedicated to medical triage: initial (on the event field) and secondary (at the hospital ER).

Modern medical equipment of the ambulances of DSNS, KCCHEC allowed to train practical skills according to the best international protocols, including experience already gained during martial status in Ukraine, ongoing learning and training of the medial teams EMS in the training center of KCEDC and long-term cooperation with university clinical basis (since 1987)

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